R.I.P. “LUCKY CHUCKY” CHUCK MORPURGO November 25, 1962 - November 4th, 2021

R.I.P. “LUCKY CHUCKY” CHUCK MORPURGO  November 25, 1962 - November 4th, 2021


November 25, 1962 - November 4th, 2021

After 27 Years together making music, memories and “Hittin’ The Note” (to quote his hero Duane Allman) my Brother In Christ, in music and of the road, Best Friend, Confidant and Compadre has left this Earthly World peacefully and set sail on his journey into the mystic. A master musician and a humble hero, champion and friend to the end.

For the rest of my days I will see to it that his Life, Legacy, Music and Memory will always be honored and carry on.

Godspeed Old Friend. Live Forever…
